القائمة الرئيسية


You Do Not Need Thousands Of Pages To “Become An Authority"

Another misconception about building authority pages is the number of pages needed to make a very good income.
Don't let my 2,200-page health page scare you.

I've also used the same technique from this course and gotten $100 paydays with over 100 pages of content on several other websites I've tried since my previous book was published.

In fact, you can only have a total of 3050 pages of quality content in a niche and it would still be considered an "authoritarian site" once you get attention, quality backlinks and traffic from Google.

So if the idea of ​​having THOUSANDS of pages on one domain gives you a headache, don't worry!Yes, you'll see me mention later that my tests show that it's best to start with as many pages as possible (50-100 to start with), but then again, 5-page and 10-page sites still outperform Google!

So if you want to, start small and grow from there.
Depending on your chosen niche area, your content-rich authority pages need not exceed 100 pages if you want.
This is especially true if you opt for the "MicroTopic" authority model, which I will discuss in the next chapter.

Think of it this way, your success is important to me and I'd rather see you build a handful of smaller authority sites in niches you love than freeze out of fear of the big sites and end up doing nothing.

هل اعجبك الموضوع :
مدونة المحترف للمعلوميات هى مدونة عربية مصرية مهتمة بكل اشكال الربح الشرعيه واسايب العمل على شبكه الأنترنت , تقدم معلومات حصرية فى هذا المجال من خلال قناتنا على اليوتيوب , كما توجد ايضا اقسام متنوعة فى عدد من المجالات الاخرى نتمنى من الله ان نكون سببا للخير
